Thursday, May 05, 2005

More Education Needed for Police Officers about Diabetes

This story amazes me - I understand they needed to use force but what about those guns that just zap you and knock you down? It seems they could have done something else. Education on this subject for officers that may come in contact with someone having a low blood sugar reaction would help. Talking a gun out of the hand of someone who doesn't know what they are doing in the first place is not going to work. Of course, he could have killed someone, I just think they could have done something else that didn't have to take his life. His wife did say he was having a low blood sugar reaction when she called.

Police: Appropriate Force Used To Shoot Man In Shock

Salida Police Had Little Option, Sheriff Says

POSTED: 8:13 am MDT May 3, 2005

SALIDA, Colo. -- A preliminary review found two officers acted with appropriate force when they shot and killed a retired corrections officer after his wife called 911 to report he was in diabetic shock.
Kenneth Clark, 60, who was described as a "pillar of the community," died early Sunday morning after a confrontation with two officers.
"It turned sour very quick and left them with little option," Chaffee County Sheriff Tim Walker said Monday.
Preliminary autopsy results were expected to be released Tuesday.
Officers Shane Garcia and Marc Morris, who were involved in the shooting, have each been suspended with pay pending the outcome of an investigation.
After Clark's wife, Nancy, called 911, the officers found Clark belligerent and aggressive, and waiving a handgun, police said. Nancy Clark said her husband was suffering from a diabetes-induced blood-sugar imbalance.
"The officers spent a number of minutes trying to de-escalate the situation, but he became more aggressive and very agitated," said Salida Police Chief Mark Mathies.
Mathies said Clark then pointed his gun at the officers, prompting them to shoot him. He died at the scene.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My new glucose meter stalks me!

I got a new meter - the One Touch Ultra Smart. It keeps track of everything except what time I go to the bathroom! It is really keeping me in line with my sugar levels. It shows me what my sugar was before and after each meal and at night. It graphs all the readings and shows me where I need to be keeping the little dots (which are my readings) on the graph. Seeing the readings on a graph really is an attention grabber!

It shows me (if I enter the information) how much insulin I take with each meal, how many carbs I ate and all my averages. Every time I go to check my sugar I feel like I am telling it how I am doing today and it responds by telling me "oh really, look at this reading!". It is like it is alive. My little sidekick helping me stay on track. You can also enter information such as how you were feeling and/or how much you exercised when you took a particular reading.

It has a light on the screen, however, it doesn't have a light where you put the strip into the meter. That would be very helpful. The Freestyle Flash has a light on the screen and also where you place your strip to check. The One Touch Ultra Smart is alot bigger than the Freestyle Flash too with draws more attention to me when I check my sugar in public, which I shouldn't care about, but I do. Ah well, I will try it out for this month and see if I want to continue using it. I probably should.

My fasting levels have been too high the last few days. I woke up at 4:30am yesterday and was at 118 and then at 7:30am I was at 193! That good ole' dawn sydrome - gotta love it! Readings are good the rest of the day though so just need to work on that a little.

I had a low while grocery shopping on Saturday. Just walkin' around and it hit me! Anxiety, sweating, shaking. I took my sugar and it was 50. And I don't really trust these meters so I am thinking it could have been 30 or 70, all I know is that I felt really bad. I had to run and get a pepsi (make sure it wasn't diet!) and take it back to the shoe department where I sat down and drank half of it. I tried on a couple pairs of shows while I was waiting...anyways, after about 10 minutes I was feeling a little better so I checked it and it was up to 71 so I decided I should continue on my way. I was done shopping anyways. Passing out in the grocery store just doesn't sound like fun.

Make sure you have your Glucogon Kit ( on hand at home kiddos. I have one in the drawer in the kitchen. It is nice to know it is there. They are good for about a year and then I always get a new one. When I get the new one, my husband and daughter practice how to mix and fill the syringe with the expired one, just so they are in good practice. I hope they never have to use that thing. The needle is huge!

Diabetes can't get me down........I won't let it.

There is some pretty interesting info on my links - check them out!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Random Stuff

Well, it is a beautiful day outside after a weekend of snow, snow, snow! I want warm and sunny everyday!

Let's see - I just read about a supplement called Alpha-Lipoic Acid which is supposed to help with "preventing complications from diabetes. Specifically, alpha-lipoic acid may help to:

Treat symptoms of nerve damage in people with diabetes.
Preserve brain function in aging adults.
Prevent cancer.
Lessen numbness and tingling.
Protect the liver in cases of hepatitis and other types of liver disease.
Combat chronic fatigue syndrome
Reduce the incidence of cataracts"

Think I might look into this after I learn more about it.

Fasting sugar level was much too high this morning but I guess that has nothing to do with the Toffee Brownies my husband made last night. Why can't I keep my hands off of those things! One little bite turns into ten little bites. I don't do that often but I ate dinner too early yesterday and was pretty hungry before bed. I don't like to inject any Humalog before bed so, needless to say, high fasting this morning. Oh well! At least I know why!

Gripe for the week: Paula Abdul - enough okay! Who cares if she is drunk or on ludes or tripping on acid. The girl is wacky any way you look at it. She talks very strange as if her tongue is swollen, which I didn't notice until this year but, I DON'T CARE. I know she is strange and that's all that matters. Now if it was proven that she was drunk while taping American Idol - that would be a whole other story! hehe! What?

Thought for week: Treat others the way you would want to be treated yourself. Which doesn't translate into > Walk all over others, ignore them and cut them off while talking and you will be compensated nicely. Duh?!

Shout out for the week: Shout out to the new pope. Isn't he wonderful?! No explanation needed.

Reality TV quote for the week: Janu from Survivor returning from being stranded on an island by herself from being the first to lose in the immunity challenge. "But I couldn’t really eye-contact anybody. I didn’t really think it was being truthful. They were being truthful to being inquisitive on how it went. It was more like “Oh, that’s great, hey, good job, way to go” - the same people that were being rude and saying I created animosity on the day that we won the challenge. Just not nice. But it’s okay." Yea Janu! Mean people suck! Go Ian! Go Stephanie!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Things we take for granted


A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present"Seven Wonders of the World." Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:

1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall

While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many."The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help.

"The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the 'Seven Wonders of the World' are:

1. To See

2. To Hear

3. To Touch

4. To Taste

5. To Feel

6. To Laugh

7. And to Love."

The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. The things we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are truly wondrous! A gentle reminder -- that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.

It's Not So Different

Four years into this disease and I still haven't got it all figured out, but who does I suppose. Those spikes in my sugar readings 3 hours after eating pasta or pizza (my favorites!), those morning highs every so often if I don't carefully monitor what I have eaten the day before, those dreaded lows if I have a little extra activity than I normally would and more dreaded lows if I don't calculate my carbs properly in my meal, checking my sugar while I am driving because I feel "funny" and come to find out I guess I just feel "funny" because my sugar isn't low! Yes, Yes ----- all these things come with having diabetes. Oh, and there are many more things that I could get down on myself for because of this disease. However, I find that it isn't that different than before diagnosis although it may sound very different.

I take Humalog and Lantus - the Humalog I take before meals in which I "kinda" calculate my carbs to figure out how much insulin to give myself. My Lantus (24 hour insulin) I take 12 units before bed. I am usually pretty good with before meal readings being under 140 and after meal readings being under 140 as well. It is the nightime that gets me. Being afraid that my sugar will go too low while I am sleeping and I will just not wake up. oooooo ----Scary! But I set my alarm for 2:00am just so I can see how I am feeling and test my sugar if I feel the need. It is always fine.

Anyways, it only takes about 30 seconds to do a shot, maybe less ---- about 10 seconds to check my sugar and the meals I eat are the types of meals everyone should be eating. I can say with confidence that I am healthier now than I was before I was diagnosed. I do have to carry my glucose monitor around with me everywhere I go and take my insulin and syringes if I will be eating out but it just doesn't effect my life to the point where I feel like I have a disease. I just have to take care of myself more. My sugars may spike at times but as long as I keep them in a range that is as close to normal at all other times, I don't worry about losing my limbs or my eyesite just because I ate a piece of cake. I just can't have a piece of cake everyday!

Oh and stem cell research - a topic for another day. But check this out.